You Cannot Escape From Destiny

Ճակատագրից չես փախչի

Nestled at the crossroads of East and West, Armenia is a small mountainous country, rich in culture, history, tradition and legend. Despite more Armenians living outside of their homeland than within its borders, the Armenian identity and connection to the land endures. For many Armenians, Armenia is a mythical, magical place, one that we experience through photographs, music, nursery rhymes and food. 

For those of us of Armenian descent, it is almost impossible to escape that attachment to our roots. Like destiny, it follows us, pulling us back, directing us towards our home, reminding us of where we came from, manifesting itself in depictions of delicate needlelace, hommages to our mountains and tributes to our folklore, binding us to a fate we can never escape.

Curated by Lizzy Vartanian Collier


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