Entity 003: Alien Party Landmass, 2021
Oil, acrylic, and spray paint on canvas
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About the Artist
Max Middlewood (b.1998, UK) is a visual artist whose personal works reflect those similar to personal diary entries, forming a physical manifestation of Max's thoughts, interactions, memories and feelings. Initially, Max had starting painting as a means to cope with his physical and mental illness. Worrying if he would survive his early twenties, Max suddenly felt the desperate urge to create something meaningful even if no one else were to ever see it. Now, Max's practice is the main passion in his life, developing his own unique style and brand of painting. Max's recent series are a chaotic mashup of figuration, abstraction, text, diagrams, symbolism, surrealism and childish doodles. He calls it organized chaos; infusing serious, thought-provoking subject matter with humour, irony and silliness.Max aims to make every composition into an interactive experience, cramming so much content into each canvas that you cannot help but notice something different every time. His works exist within his own mini universe, hoping to share with the world a glimpse into his little realm of chaos. Maximalism!